Project Summary

Have you ever been in a situation where you know you need to work a set number of hours at the end of the week before you need to clock out? HourCalc solves this exact problem. In order to use HourCalc, you will need the following information:

  • Hours already worked this week
  • Hours desired
  • Time you clocked in

When supplied with that information, HourCalc will let you know what time you need to clock out.

Languages and Skills

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Version Control, GitHub

About the project

I worked a summer job where I was permitted to work up to 39.99 hours in a week. I was not to work beyond 40 hours. I could schedule out the days to clock in at a certian time and clock out at a certian time each day and I would hit the hours goal, but it got close sometimes. Often I found myself arriving to work early or staying late and that added time to my hours. Trying to do the math in a hurry to figure out what time I needed to clock out just wasn’t working. Thats why I built HourCalc.

What I Learned

  • It had been awhile since I used JS, this was a good excersise to keep those skills polished.
  • Code documentation is important. I was in a rush when creating this project so didn’t document it. Came back later to document it and it took a lot longer to figure out what I had wrote, than if i had just documented from the git go.
  • This was my first project to both host on GitHub and use for version control. Learned a lot about how Github works.